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필요한 조치! 곧 DPC와 모든 다운스트림 포털(Retail Partner Center, OEM BI, DCCN & DP Connector)에서 MSA 로그인 방식(예: @outlook, @google, @yahoo)을 사용할 수 없게 됩니다. 5월 초부터 DPC에 액세스하려면 AAD(Azure Active Directory) 로그인이 필요합니다. 여기를 클릭하여 AAD 로그인으로 변경하는 방법을 자세히 알아보세요.
생성됨 2017-07-31 | 마지막 수정일 2024-01-08
Applies to: Publicly availableUpdated 01/08/2024 - Updated MAR Partner Directory to current list of partners and websites.Updated 07/17/2023 - Updated with the most up-to-date MAR Partner Directory.Updated 06/29/2023 - This resource provides the FY23 Microsoft Refurbisher Partner Directory.Updated 02/18/2022 - This resource provides the FY22 Microsoft Refurbisher Partner Directory.Updated 09/29/2021 - This resource provides the FY22 Microsoft Refurbisher Partner Directory.Updated 05/06/2021 - This resource provides the Microsoft Refurbisher Partner Directory as of May, 2021.Updated 12/01/2020 - This resource provides the Microsoft Refurbisher Partner Directory as of November, 2020.Updated 7/23/2020 - This resource provides the Microsoft Refurbisher Partner Directory as of August, 2020.Updated 11/13/2019 - This resource has been updated to reflect web site changes on the Microsoft Authorized Refurbisher Partner Directory as of November 11, 2019.Updated 7/19/2019 - This resource provides the Microsoft Authorized Refurbisher Partner Directory as of August 1, 2019. Updated 4/9/2019 - This resource provides the Microsoft Refurbisher Partner Directory as of May 1, 2019.Updated 11/20/2019 - This resource provides the Microsoft Authorized Refurbisher Partner Directory as of November 1, 2018.
Video showing the correct cratch off of the COA Concealment layer.
Download the Office 2409 - Chinese (Traditional) OPK.
Content Collection for Office 2409 OPK.
Download the Office 2409 OPK - Office C2R Scripts Config Deployment Tool.
Download the Office 2409 - Chinese (Simplified) OPK.
Download the Office 2409 - English OPK.
Download the Office 2409 - French OPK.
Download the Office 2409 - German OPK.